Safety First - Do No Harm

Support Fire Services

RESOLUTION NO. 21 – 11 – 01   Resolution to support VFD Services enhancements


Whereas, the staffing of Vancouver Fire Department (VFD) has been stagnant for more than a decade, during a time of high growth in the service area;


Whereas, VFD Chief Blue has identified a need of increased staffing in his Standard of Cover presentation. (Re: Oct 4, 2021 Vancouver City Council Workshop);


Whereas, Fire District #5 (District) contracts with the City of Vancouver (City) for fire suppression, emergency medical services, Special Operations, and other fire department functions. (Re: Sept 26, 2016 Fire Department Services Agreement);


Whereas, any improvement of service delivery and recourses of VFD are also available to the District;


Whereas, the District maintains an Operational Enhancement Fund (6256) that shall be used solely for the purpose of enhancing operation and capital assets of VFD. (Re: Sept 26, 2016 Fire Department Services Agreement, section 5c);


Whereas, the City is obligated to continue to provide service to the District, even if the District is unable to pay its proportionate contractual share of services. (Re: April 2016 Addendum to Fire Services Transitional Agreement);


Whereas, if the City fails to continue providing services, the City shall restore to the District sufficient assets or funds to enable to contract for or provide a reasonable level of services to the existing area. (Re: Sept 26, 2016 Fire Department Services Agreement, section 10); and


Whereas, the District is responsible to provide Fire and EMS to the constituents with property tax funds and other moneys;


Resolved, let it be known that the Board of Commissioners of Fire District 5 will financially support improvements to the staffing of the Vancouver Fire Department and related costs within the described ability to do so in the Fire Department Services Agreement.    


ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Clark County Fire Protection District No. 5 on the 2nd day of November 2021, the following Commissioners being present and voting:


Roy Rhine, Chair    

Mike Lyons, Commissioner

Ron Gibson, Commissioner

Jennifer Bethke, Secretary to the Board